Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments over the last few days. Nigel & I are now leaving in about half an hour to catch the plane to Germany. We are travelling with the Barking Rotary club and visiting our 'twin' rotary club in Germany. We shall be returning on Sunday sometime!! Leaving Karmen to look after Karl in our absense :)
To everyone - many thanks and God bless each and every one of you.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Posted by Judith at 06:32 3 comments
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Mum and Dad
Happy Wedding Anniversary to my Mum and Dad. This photo was taken in 1958 when my mother was 18 and my dad 20. Today they are celebrating their 48th wedding anniversary by holidaying on the Isle of Wight.
Posted by Judith at 10:59 6 comments
Monday, 18 May 2009
Unexpected Gift
I've just been put to shame by my niece, Cat, who has just started blogging at The View from the Watchtower and I realized that my last post was on the 5th May!! where have the days in between disappeared too?
I just wanted to share with you an unexpected gift I received last Sunday from Mary. Mary is the wife of Revd David Pearson, the minister I work alongside with; when Mary gets in from work she loves to mess around on her computer - mainly doing family history stuff and photography and is also now a proud grandmother.
However, getting back to last Sunday - Mary come alongside me and said 'Judy I made this for you' and presented with a collage of photos made into one photo which depicted my life and ministry within Christ Church over the last five years. To say I was gobsmacked (this is a UK term meaning - it left me speechless) is an understatement. This is the photo...It is probably one of the best gifts I have received because Mary has taken the time to collate photos and put them together to make a memorable display. Nigel wants to have it enlarged and framed so that I can hang it up in my office. Thank you Mary for your thoughtfulness.
Posted by Judith at 22:46 5 comments
Monday, 4 May 2009
Bank Holiday Monday
Then after running up and down the stairs, round and round the garden and in and out of the kitchen - it's time for chat .....
then a doze...
Last photo of the day - Karl holding Prince
Posted by Judith at 13:11 11 comments
Sunday, 3 May 2009

I can dream!! can't I?
Posted by Judith at 19:00 5 comments
Friday, 1 May 2009
Being thoughtful
On a Thursday evening I prepare and lead a service within a Sheltered Housing Complex - about 25-30 residents attend - for many the last time they set foot within a church regularly was in attending Sunday school in their childhood. Over the last year some residents have started attending The Salvation Army on a Sunday morning and others have revisited churches from their childhood.
The simplicity of the candle and the added fact that Ratna has painted the cross on it makes the gift truly appreciated. It is in such simple moments that I feel the presence and the love of God in the midst of us all.
Posted by Judith at 11:44 5 comments