Sunday, 3 May 2009


I have planted seven sunflowers this afternoon, which I have grown from seed and in a few months time they will look like this picture ;)

I can dream!! can't I?


John Ager said...

Here's hoping for you Judy!

Anonymous said...

I love sunflowers ♥ I hope you will post and after picture. I know they will be beautiful. I hope you are having a happy and blessed day.

Cherdecor said...

Oh yes, in no time at all, they will be beautiful!

runamoks said...

I love sunflowers! Thanks for emailing Daisy for me. :-) -Cheryl

Janet said...

Oh those look beautiful! I have been missing in action for the past week or so. Not been feeling well and have discovered high blood pressure (apart from a horrendous dose of 'flu!) - Feeling much better and now and hope to be back in the action!