Friday, 1 May 2009

Being thoughtful

On a Thursday evening I prepare and lead a service within a Sheltered Housing Complex - about 25-30 residents attend - for many the last time they set foot within a church regularly was in attending Sunday school in their childhood. Over the last year some residents have started attending The Salvation Army on a Sunday morning and others have revisited churches from their childhood.

When I arrived to take the very 1st service (Feb 08) one of the residents had set up a small table with a beautiful tablecloth and a candle placed in the middle and when one candle burns itself away - another candle is present by another resident. Last night I was presented with this candle from Ratna, a delightful quiet Indian gentleman.

The simplicity of the candle and the added fact that Ratna has painted the cross on it makes the gift truly appreciated. It is in such simple moments that I feel the presence and the love of God in the midst of us all.


Sue said...

You are so right it is in the simple moments that we see His love more evident. Why is it we always seem to forget this. What a beautiful candle, and made with so much love , the love of God coming forth. Judith I so enjoyed this post and have the highest regard for the work in God's kingdom that you do. Thank you for sharing.

SmilingSally said...

How rewarding!

Nancy said...

What a wonderful calling you have!

Judi said...

Judith what a lovely story you've shared with us. That is so very special of that man to make and give such a gift to you. It warms your heart for all the good you do in God's name.
Thank you for the well wishes for me too. I am actually feeling much better this evening. So thats a good thing.
have a lovely evening.

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...

God is in the little things, the quiet moments and small exchanges.

And He makes them... Substantial.

I have missed you.