some of the flowers that I have received.
Last Sunday I was making my way to be the guest preacher at a church, which I had only been to once before, and as I was travelling along Cranbrook Road a car came around the bend too fast lost control and came skidding over to me and hit me on the drivers side of the car. Once the car had settled I noticed that there was grey smoke in the air and, thinking that my car was on fire, managed to make my escape via the passenger door, not realizing at the time that I was having a nose bleed and that all the buttons had burst of my blouse - so I must have looked a pretty sight!!! I learnt later that the smoke was from my air bags going off.
A lovely lady passer by came rushing over - I asked her to call the police and an ambulance because I realized that whoever was driving the other car hadn't got out. Two drivers pulled up and the first driver put me in the 2nd drivers car whilst he went to see to the driver who had crashed into me. The other driver was a young lady who eventually had to be cut out of her car due to back and leg pains. I have been informed that she is OK.
Since Sunday I certainly now have a wonderful array of bruises and my foot has been strapped up, which I have been told to rest due to the swelling. BUT folk have just been so kind with their prayers, cards, flowers, visits, telephone calls, emails and texts. I know that some of those people read my blog and so I would want to say a big 'Thank You' to you all for your care and concern.
I am very fortunate that I was able to walk away from the scene, fortunate to have a fabulous family and friends who have and are looking after me. I have cancelled my external engagements for this week and am working/resting from home.